Press Release


PGA Welcomes RETWA’s Live Export Licence Approval


PGA President Tony Seabrook welcomed today’s announcement as an important first step in the resumption of live sheep exports out of Western Australia; however questioned why it took so long for the regulator to grant the licence approval.

“The bureaucratic inertia and undue regulatory compliance from the regulator that has been involved in the granting of this licence has done little in restoring full confidence within the WA livestock industry, and has only served to place the livelihoods of thousands of Western Australian farming businesses and families in limbo.

“It has been close to 5 months since the last shipment of sheep to the Gulf, and so far approximately 19,000 sheep have been exported from Western Australia to other markets, costing WA sheep producers an estimated $60 million loss.  During the same period last year, over 532,000 sheep had been exported from Western Australia, with the estimated farm gate return worth more than $62 million.

"This figure doesn’t include the flow on to other regional industries who are reliant on the live export trade, including transporters, stock agents, and feed suppliers, nor does it include many small businesses in regional communities depend on a vibrant live export trade to sustain their livelihoods.

“In Western Australia, the live export industry is the largest buyer of our livestock, supports regional businesses, and provides much needed regional jobs, which in turn strengthens our regional communities.

“These unnecessary delays, which seem to be based solely on having an association with WA’s largest sheep exporter, Emanuel Exports in no way benefits pastoralists and livestock producers, and has only served in destroying the confidence in what is a legal, safe and viable industry.

“I thank Minister Littleproud for his leadership in securing this first step in the resumption of the live sheep exports out of Western Australia, and look forward to continuing to work with him to restore full confidence in the live export trade.


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    Western Australia 6872
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